Monday, March 28, 2016

Higgs Boson 's Big Brother?

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider, one of the world’s most important particle accelerator, have found signs of a new particle that could change all of our ideas on the Standard Particle Model.

When physicist at the LHC discovered the Higgs Boson, in 2012, they knew this suggested there could be new types of particles out there. Now, fours years later, rumours have been confirmed that the particle accelerator has been spotting more pairs of photons than usual, what could point to the existence of a particle, also a boson (type of particle), up to six times bigger than the boson of Higgs.

This was completely unpredicted by particle physicists, once they thought the Higgs Boson was the only missing piece of the current Standard Particle Model. Nevertheless, having this new, unexpected discovery could be a game-changer in the area.
Nobody at the LHC was looking for such a boson. At the time, the focus was finding gravitons (which, by the way, would also be an extremely important discovery).
“If there is an actual natural phenomenon behind these fluctuations, we will know.”, says Tiziano Camporesi, one of LHC’s spokesman.


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